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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Link Change

BlondeJustice is no more - at least at this site. I have replaced that link with YeahRightWhatever.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Quick Come Backs

The Dilbert Blog:This is just the first of Scot Adams' excuses for buying over priced bottled water. "If I'm dumb enough to buy water, I'm certainly dumb enough to pay too much for it!" An entertaining site. I'm probably the last one to know about it.

Friday, November 18, 2005


FrontPage magazine.com :: Where the WMDs Went by Jamie Glazov: "the error was not with the pre-war assessment, the error was with the weapons hunt. "

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Results...: "Rohirrim

To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla"

Marriage Penalty

This: Sounds exactly like a case that I got a call about last week. But in my case, the roles were reversed and the ages were 13 and 21. The scary part was the "friend" considering an abortion as the way to hide the evidence.
Hat tip to Lammers for the link.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Consider This On Veteran's Day

Orson Scott Card recognizes Scowcroft: as scold rather than a strategist because Scowcroft (like most of the left on this issue) presents only criticism and no solutions. Card goes on to examine "reality" based foreign policy and near the end he offers this:
"But if they prevail in the next election, will their policies accomplish more and better things than our present ones? Will they be more realistic? Does Scowcroft think that the isolationism and appeasement and token self-defense policies of a Clinton administration are better than what we have now?
Perhaps so. And perhaps he'll get his way -- certainly Hillary, the likely Democratic candidate, is, if anything, more anti-defense and pro-appeasement than Bill ever was.
But under the Clintons, our military strength was gutted, our readiness brought to its lowest ebb since the Depression. If that were to happen again, then what kind of 'realistic' foreign policy could America hope to pursue? Without military might and the disposition to use it in a good cause, the only thing we can realistically do about anything in the world is wring our hands and send diplomats around.
You know, like the U.N. "

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Arbitrary Cat

Arbitrary and Capricious: "his cat's behavior showed who should live and who should die has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for first-degree murder, the top of the standard range."

I just want to know -- what happened to the cat?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What about North America?

Radio Blogger: Victor David Hanson discusses the French Riot Situation with Hugh Hewitt: "VDH: I think it's two-fold. I think it tells us that with our own un-policed borderd, and ten to fifteen million illegal aliens in the United States, that we can immigrate and assimilate them much better, because of our egalitarian, populist traditions, if we get serious. And we do not want to have a MECHA, ATZLAN, La Raza culture dividing us. That's one. And two, I think it should really bring a little sobriety about Europe. We've had this nostalgia, this idea that the Europeans have transcended all of our problems. In fact, economically, militarily, politically, socially, they're in a complete mess, and I got that the last three and half weeks. "

VDH goes on to point out how european governments swing left and then a "man on a horse" -- a strong man appears with promises to lead them out of the mess. Interesting. I am more concerned about MECHA and ATZLAN as radical, perhaps militant groups who might like to do the same thing here -- not assimilating but making a reconquista. But perhaps I'm just paranoid.

European Powder Keg

Radio Blogger: "This is a fuse that's been lit all over Europe. " These are Mark Steyn's words from a Hugh Hewitt interview.

It was 20 years ago that I was in France, 7 months in Paris and a year in other parts. The Arab enclaves existed then but they were certainly not threatening. In fact, I found the Arabs (and I'm lumping all of the Muslims whether from the Levant, North Africa, Iran or elsewhere unfairly into one clump, but that was the terminology we used), very friendly. They were always willing to talk and especially to argue. Late one night, a "gang" of Arabs in their teens and twenties were the only other people in the subway with me and another guy. They had a fight among themselves but were very civil to us. In fact, the only guy that ever threatened me, a guy in the mandatory military service and apparently home on leave came at me with a broken beer bottle but his designs were frustrated. One weird experience was being invited into the home of a Lebanese Muslim listening to the radio as live reports were coming in of fighting between the marines and Shiites (as I recall) -- he was a shiite. My how times have changed. It doesn't sound like an American would be welcome at all in those enclaves anymore.

Monday, November 07, 2005

North of the border, up Ottawa Way...

There is a revolution hidden in a definition. North of border, gay marriage spurs social revolution: "How could a simple law redefining marriage as a union of 'two persons' have such a revolutionary effect? There are two reasons.
First, marriage is Western society's most fundamental institution. As such, it is embedded throughout our law, child-rearing practices and culture in general. When marriage is redefined, other social institutions are likewise transformed.
Second, when male-female marriage and same-sex marriage become equal in the eyes of the law, treating them differently becomes discrimination. In Canada, 'privileging' male-female marriage in any way is now a violation of human rights. According to Henry, 'Canadians who believe in the historic definition of marriage, who believe that children need a mother and father, are now the legal equivalent of racists.'"

Anyone recognize the title tune? -- Change "North" to "South," "up" to "down," and "Ottawa" to Mexico

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Attorney v. Journalist

Radio Blogger: has Hewitt's interview with someone who passes himself off as a journalist "HH: I think that you have surrendered your credibility, Bob Ray Sanders, but I'll have you back tomorrow if you want to think about it. "

Simply a fine example of unscripted cross examination. A superb demonstation of how to keep the knife in the victim while twisting it without mercy.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

How Much To Be French

Right-Wing of the Gods: "Right now, more than any other time in history, you could not pay me enough to be French"

Unlike RWOTG (another candidate to replace my hugh hewitt link), I really like France and many of the French and things French -- but I agree with him. RWOTG is blogging about the problem in France - riots in the Paris Banlieu and the "muslim" problem. I think it is a european problem that will be most explosive in France. I spent some time in France many years and lived several months in Paris. The muslim communities in some areas then were very much enclaves unto themselves with no signs of integration -- it has apparently only gotten worse.

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