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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What about North America?

Radio Blogger: Victor David Hanson discusses the French Riot Situation with Hugh Hewitt: "VDH: I think it's two-fold. I think it tells us that with our own un-policed borderd, and ten to fifteen million illegal aliens in the United States, that we can immigrate and assimilate them much better, because of our egalitarian, populist traditions, if we get serious. And we do not want to have a MECHA, ATZLAN, La Raza culture dividing us. That's one. And two, I think it should really bring a little sobriety about Europe. We've had this nostalgia, this idea that the Europeans have transcended all of our problems. In fact, economically, militarily, politically, socially, they're in a complete mess, and I got that the last three and half weeks. "

VDH goes on to point out how european governments swing left and then a "man on a horse" -- a strong man appears with promises to lead them out of the mess. Interesting. I am more concerned about MECHA and ATZLAN as radical, perhaps militant groups who might like to do the same thing here -- not assimilating but making a reconquista. But perhaps I'm just paranoid.

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