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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chat with Judge Can Make it All Right - but not here

Apparently a neighboring state differs in its procedures for resolving speeding tickets. In that state, the violator can just show up and "chat" with the judge about the situation and the judge will make things alright, at least cutting the fine in half--the officer who issued the ticket doesn't even show. In our state, no chatting is allowed; you get to make your plea and if you plead not guilty you get to go to trial. Today a citizen of a neighboring state just wanted to "chat" with the judge. I did, with the officer's agreement, reduce the charge by 3 miles to get the fine down and the citizen pled guilty; then he got to ask the judge some questions. The judge explained the differing procedure in our state-no chatting. He also explained that there was no way in our state, without taking some defensive driving course, to have the ticket not count toward points on your driving record. I appreciated the education the judge gave, as I had no idea what the procedure was in the neighboring state or why this gentleman thought he could get a special deal by chatting with the judge and not having the trial.

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