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Saturday, January 26, 2008

McCain's Reconquistador Advisor

Dr. Juan Hernandez

Hugh Hewitt interviews Michelle Malkin on the subject:


HH: Hats off to some superb reporting today. Let’s do the facts first, and analysis second. Who is working for John McCain on immigration?

MM: Well, it’s a man named Dr. Juan Hernandez. He’s the Hispanic outreach director for the campaign, and my colleague, Brian Preston at Hot Air confirmed his status there, and dug up a sweet picture of Dr. Hernandez with Mark MacKinnon and Megan McCain, McCain’s daughter, during the Univision debate last December. The guy is somebody I’d known for a while. He’s been a debating opponent of mine for several years. And he is the king of double talk and crooked talk when it comes to border enforcement. He is a dual citizen of Mexico and the United States, and served in Vicente Fox’s administration, overseeing a now-defunct office called the presidential office for Mexicans abroad, whose primary and sole purpose was to undermine immigration enforcement in this country.

HH: Now Michelle Malkin, I think this is a fairly stunning bit of news, that John McCain’s director of Hispanic outreach is a former Mexican cabinet government official. Now I know he’s got dual citizenship, and that’s a legitimate form of citizenship. But to go get a former Vicente Fox cabinet member and make him your…it’s just not going to assuage the concerns of the base in the Republican Party, is it?

MM: Absolutely not. It’s going to confirm the suspicions of a lot of grassroots conservatives that despite McCain’s assurance that he now understands the need for border security, that in fact what he simply understands is that he has to pay lip service to it to try and get elected. And this guy is not just somebody that he hired on at the last minute. It turns out that he is also serving as a senior fellow at a McCain-founded non-profit, supposed non-profit, non-partisan think tank called the Reform Institute, which has come under scrutiny by mainstream media outlets in the last couple of years, because it appears that this thing was set up to solicit donations from people who then benefit from lobbying by McCain, for example the Cablevision company, but then also is used to funnel a lot of left wing, open borders money, including funding from George Soros.

Here is quote from Hernandez' own website:


* A few weeks ago, Hernandez visited a U.S. credit union in North Carolina on a tour to extend banking privileges to undocumented Mexicans and to drive down wire-transfer fees for Mexicans sending money back to their families.

Translation: He wants banking privileges for illegals in the U.S. in order to expedite the flow of cash out of the United States to Mexico. Now we can better understand McCain's position on illegal immigration.

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