Thursday, March 17, 2005
Not True, but Hillarious
Wampum: More SCOTUS News ...: "In Krud Coal Co. v. Wrings Water From Rocks, the Court ruled, 6-3, that a Wyoming coal company that drained the entire water supply of a nearby Indian reservation in order to pump coal through its pipeline was not obliged to provide 'compensatory hydration' to 2,300 Arapaho left parched by the drainage of the aquifer they have been using since 1000 A.D. In his majority opinion, Chief Justice Rehnquist pointed out that 'there are Coca-Cola machines on the reservation,' and that the Arapaho 'are by reputation excellent rain dancers.' "
My Indian Law Professor, who wrote his own course text an entitled it something like Rhenquist's Indian Vision, would love this story. Click the link for more fabricated Supreme Court Opinions. I also like the one about the 187 bullet holes being an indicia of zeal on law enforcement's part.
My Indian Law Professor, who wrote his own course text an entitled it something like Rhenquist's Indian Vision, would love this story. Click the link for more fabricated Supreme Court Opinions. I also like the one about the 187 bullet holes being an indicia of zeal on law enforcement's part.