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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Dream Theme

Continuing, as is my wont, to disregard the deep, meaningful, and complex in favor of the inconsequential and completely meaningless, I pose this dream from last night for interpretation:

For some reason I was back at college in the eastern part of the state. Not only had I not done the required reading, I did not even have the book. I was also driving one of those little three-wheeled scooters that old people use to get around in. This scooter weighted about 700 pounds and I could not get it parked in front of the building. There was room, but the parking spaces for these things were right in front of the doors and parking there would block the doorway. I moved on, dragging the thing to park elsewhere.
As often happens in dreams for no apparent reason I then found myself in the pickup of an older friend who used to be a state legislator. He was driving and I was just sitting. We were still in the eastern part of the state and he was going to the city hall to give some sort of water presentation. He was driving terribly and tried to get around a corner before another pickup and he ended up pinning the pickup against the curb, but no damage was done. The other pickup just sped off but then reappeared behind us after a law enforcement cruiser pulled us over. The driver of the other pickup was telling the cop about my friend's bad driving. We got arrested and I was delighted that we were being taken in, my first time being arrested. I was given a sweater from my suitcase and then a pair of jail overalls by the nice officer. We walked through a steel double doorway that was now in front of my friend's pickup. We waited in a room with some very nice officers and some other folks in overalls. One man was in white overalls and had a friendly face. I asked how often they did arraignments here and the lady officer said about every 18,000 miles. I asked if that was every couple hours or what and she said, no every ten minutes. Then I woke up.

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